307 production is developing a new high-end series with the working title KOLMANNSKUPPE.

307 production News · 17. August 2022

The newly established 307 production of the Studio Hamburg Production Group is developing a six-part historical high-end miniseries under the working title KOLMANNSKUPPE in collaboration with creator Philip Haucke (Second Director, “Dark” / Netflix). The series tells one of the most captivating and tragic stories of German colonialism as a modern parable with universal character. Producers are Michael Lehmann and Simone Höller. Caroline Bruckner (“Frankenstein Untold” / Sky) is the author of the six episodes.


Today, Kolmannskuppe is one of the most impressive and mysterious ghost towns located in the southwestern African desert of Namib. Built between 1908 and 1914 in the middle of African no man’s land, it was the center of the shortest diamond fever of all time and rapidly grew into one of the most luxurious and modern small towns in the world. Decadence, unprecedented wealth, and bloody business conquered the desert.


KOLMANNSKUPPE addresses the racist conflict, the brutal power of German settlers, and the suppression of the African people in the early 20th century, inspired by a true story. The focus is on three protagonists of different origins, with unequal chances in their struggle to survive or escape from Kolmannskuppe.

“The untold story of this absurd diamond fever of the colonial era is an extremely exciting material that almost invites you to fictionalize this part of German history. In the context of the current global debate on racism and colonialism, this story is more timeless and explosive than ever. A novelty for the Studio Hamburg Production Group: We will use state-of-the-art studio technology and work with large CGI landscapes for this project,” says producer Michael Lehmann.


“Our attention is focused on the actors on all sides who are forced to make life and death decisions in extreme situations to protect themselves or others. What makes the project special is the modern interpretation of the historical plot and the radical imagery. KOLMANNSKUPPE is planned as a Virtual Production,” explains producer Simone Höller.


“The series negotiates the fatalistic rise and fall of the colonial dream with the extreme chance for opposing protagonists to resist a diabolical system with all their might and free themselves from its pull,” says creator Philip Haucke.

Press contact

Studio Hamburg Produktion Gruppe GmbH
Alexa Rothmund


fon +49 40 66884801



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