Dr. Simone Höller

CEO/Main Producer

Before founding “307 production GmbH” in Cologne in April 2022, Simone worked for many years as a producer and Head of Development. She is responsible for multiple award-winning productions such as “Das weiße Kaninchen” (“The white rabbit”), “Eine gute Mutter” (“A good mother”), “Weil du mir gehörst” (“Because you’re mine”), and “Sterben ist auch keine Lösung” (“Dying is no solution either”). Recently, she produced, among others, the film adaptation of the Ramstein airshow disaster, the bestseller “Lost in Fuseta,” and the deaf drama “Du sollst hören” (“You shall hear”). Simone served as a jury member at the International Filmfest in Emden, the Max Ophüls Prize in Saarbrücken, and the Semi-Final Judgings of the International Emmy Awards. She loves challenges, and challenges love her back. As long as the stories Simone produces are relevant and profound, no obstacle is too high for her.